One Goal – One High Performing GOVINDA Team (Tuckman’s Model of Team Building)

One Indian festival which draws us towards self-motivated, self-directed and self-empowered, High-Performance Teams with one Goal in mind the Govinda Team.

Yes, it’s the Janmashtami Festival – (Dahi handi- Butter-Pot). A well crafted Indian Festival to perfectly understand Tuckman’s Model through experiential learning.

Lord Krishna an exemplary leader who gave us the wise management lessons from our embedded values and culture.

Traditionally, a pot filled with butter used to be hung up at homes at height to get the best homemade pure butter. Lord Krishan used to savour this homemade butter by stealing it with his teammates.

Today the same butter pot is hung at a height with savouries into the pot. Festival with the intent of goal and strong team with the right positioning and structuring.

The Govindas who do not know each other so well, get on to build the human pyramid. The crucial decision is in deciding the exact mix of Govindas or team-members. This is vital because the human pyramid is composed of numerous levels and each level is equally imperative in reaching the top and breaking the Dahi Handi(butter pot).

Foundation of the human pyramid is paid utmost attention to as here we need a team of strong and sturdy team members to form the base. Similarly, organizations which invest in converting employees into investment get to reap these benefits. And yes if we invest time and make this jigsaw correct then we could walk miles together.

Forming stage

The Govinda’s do not have fixed and secured roles during this stage. The forming stage involves a period of orientation and getting acquainted.  Here in the team, every member is a leader and all are empowered. Often, members with experience and merit are looked upon. These members carry a softer aspect of culture along with them. Newer members would be handheld by the experienced one’s Uncertainty is high during this stage, and people are looking for leadership and authority. A member who asserts authority or is knowledgeable may be looked to take control. Team members are asking such questions as “What does the team offer me?” “What is expected of me?” “Will I fit in?” Most interactions are social as members get to know each other. There is a room for everyone who joins this Govinda Team. The learning and development wand is passed on liberally.

Storming stage

It is a period marked by conflict and competition as individual personalities emerge. The wise old experienced members jump into the frontline role to take the heat of conflicts and address them. There is a lot of conflict in this stage as the individuals would think about strengths and contributions. Thus taking individual calls were would they best fit in. The storming stage is the most difficult and critical stage to pass through. Team performance may actually decrease in this stage because energy is put into unproductive activities. Members may disagree on team goals, and subgroups and cliques may form around strong personalities or areas of agreement. To get through this stage, members work to give merit, experience, talent, trust, agility, and energy to give way and overcome personality differences. Rather than allocating quota and reservation for the roles performed. Emphasis is placed on cooperation and collaboration to achieve the goal of breaking the pot.

Performing stage

In the performing stage, consensus and cooperation have been well-established and the team is mature, organized, and well-functioning. There is a clear structure of the human pyramid erected amidst the uncertainties brought in by the splashing of water and making it slippery for the team.  The number of levels to be formed in the human pyramid will make higher levels more challenging to sustain.  There is a clear and stable structure, and members are committed to the team’s mission of breaking the butter pot. The Govindas climb up and climb down in slanting position as if they had learned the art of sliding down from the slide in childhood. The team managers and leads should earn respect by being with the team on the action field and not supporting members in terms of words for the heck of it. If we all become Govindas for the organization then it would be a collaborative and cooperative field. The victory being very close could be away if the structure is not stable. The members stretch themselves to achieve the goal and cross that extra mile  

Adjourning stage

In the adjourning stage, the team goal is achieved, executed, and accomplished. The emphasis is on wrapping up final tasks and signing it off in style by documenting the process, effort, and results.  As the task is achieved teams could disband and new teams could be formed.

Learning – Together we Achieve More..

Happy Krishna Janamashtmi from t he Great Leader.

Build Teams that are strong to last on humanity and humility.

Video Credits- Prabhaav Creations, Mr. Rahul Khobhragade