HAPPY GURUPOORNIMA -Mother – Our First Guru, Father – Our Second Guru

Today we celebrate Guru Poornima, a day when you pay your respect and gratitude to your academic and spiritual gurus. This is very special as by tradition our mother is the first guru for everyone.

In Marathi language AAI means Mother.

आई – ‘आ’ म्हणजे ‘आत्मा’ आणि ‘ई’  म्हणजे ‘ईश्वर’ यांचा सुरेख संगम म्हणजे ‘आई’ .


The first soul which connected us to God right through the nine months that we stayed with her, after our birth.

A word packed with high on energy and emotions so dear and near to everyone.

 जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी (Janani Janambhoomishcha Swargaatapi Gariyasi ).


The earth is my mother. I am her son The mother and the motherland excel even the heaven.

What is Guru? It comes from a Sanskrit word where Gu stands for darkness and Ru stands for removal of the darkness. Guru is someone who selflessly grooms and molds us to be a better human being. Today we want to extend our respect and love to all the first Gurus, Our Mothers, and second – Gurus, Our Fathers!

She is the Guru who introduces to the Father,

She is the Guru who introduces to the world of dreams and possibilities,

She is the Guru who always has us in prayers.

She is the Guru who gives liberally and generously through her bhakti, karma and Gyan yog

A Marathi poet has very well said “ Swami Teenhi Jagacha, Aai vina Bhikari” Lord Of All The Three Worlds Is A Beggar Without His Mom

My second Guru -My Father

He is the Guru who introduced me to be tough,

He is the Guru who introduced me to being resourceful,

He is the Guru who introduced me to take extreme responsibilities for actions,

He introduced me to just being me.

सर्वतीर्थमयी माता सर्वदेवमयः पिता
मातरं पितरं तस्मात् सर्वयत्नेन पूजयेत्

Mother is (the embodiment) of all pilgrimages, the father is (the embodiment) of all deities. Hence, the mother and father are to be revered with all efforts.


Gurupoornima is also known as Vyas Poornima marks the birthday of Vyas.  He is hailed as the author of the great Indian epic, the Mahabharata. He also played a pivotal role in it. The sage is considered as the epitome of learning and knowledge. My gratitude to Rishi Ved Vyas who carved his formidable mark by his work of enlightenment

Gratitude– Spiritual Guru, Teachers, Professors, Professional Colleagues

On this pious day, I extend my gratitude to my spiritual Guru who has always handheld me in the thick and thin and through teachings made life easy to understand.

My deepest gratitude to my school teachers from – Air India Modern School, D G Ruparel College who were enablers to set my foundations. On which I have taken the leap of belief, faith, and trust today

Gratitude to my Professional Colleagues (Gurubandhu & Gurubhagini) who have helped me have a growth mindset. Gratitude to you Dr. V N Patkar for being there for me always.

Ending this note on the beautiful and peaceful rendition

Source youtube – https://youtu.be/nmeNd9PFqaA

Image Source -google.

Heartfelt,Deepest gratitude for the souls who have nurtured. me

1 thought on “HAPPY GURUPOORNIMA -Mother – Our First Guru, Father – Our Second Guru”

  1. Dear Madam
    So Happy to see you create Great Leap Consultants. May God Bless you with abundance flow of energy, strength, courage, knowledge , health , wealth.
    Guru is Shiva sans his three eyes, Vishnu sans his four arms, Brahma sans his four heads. He is the God Shiva himself in human form – Brahmanda Puran.Worshipping the feet of the Guru is the ultimate of all worships. Happy Guru Purnima!
    Arise,Awake and stop not till the Goal is Achieved. Swami Vivekananda
    Best Wishes Shanthi

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